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Nasdaq: Helsinki IR Breakfast Seminar

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Nasdaq järjestää IR-ammattilaisille suunnatun aamiaistilaisuuden 21.3.2024 ja kutsuu Suomen IR-yhdistyksen jäsenet lämpimästi mukaan. Huom. ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan tapahtuu Nasdaqin sivuilta (linkki kutsutekstin lopussa).

”Join us for an insightful morning delving into the dynamic world of Investor Relations. Discover the greatest challenges facing IR professionals, and explore top priorities in navigating today’s complex investment landscape.

Our Nasdaq Global Perception team conducted the 5th annual Global IR Issuer Pulse survey, capturing intelligence from over 900 IR professionals globally. As the global capital markets experience extended macro headwinds, the critical efforts IR puts forth to navigate and adapt to a unique market is underscored by our Pulse results.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving field of Investor Relations.”


8:30 – Breakfast & registration

9:00-9:20 – Presentation – IR pulse survey results

9:20-9:50 – Panel Discussion: IR Insights: Navigating Today’s Investment Landscape

  • IR Responsibilities and Best Practices
  • Attracting capital across a global economy
  • AI and Technology in IR
  • Future Trends in Investor Relations
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